Our Specialties

Furniture, Antique and Family Heirloom Restoration

Restoration of antique or modern furniture restores the condition of the item back to what it was at an earlier time. Restoring may include repair, refinishing, re-upholstery, or other crafts. During an initial meeting or contact, we look at the condition of your furniture needing repair and discuss your goals. Then the appropriate treatment is applied according to our customer needs.

Furniture Repair

Repair can produce the most dramatic impact from restoration. Repair can be unobtrusive, touching-up scratches, damages on-site or re-gluing of loose joints.


Many materials have been used over the centuries for upholstery padding and top covers. All materials degrade and lose strength over time, whether cord, fabric, or even steel used in springs. We do all types of reupholstery, in the techniques originally used. We provide fabric consulting to our customers knowing what is best for their environment.

Fire and Water damage repairs for Furniture and Cabinets

Fire and water can be especially devastating to your home or business. After the fire trucks leave, your property will likely suffer from not only fire and smoke damage, but also widespread water damage and flooding from firefighting efforts. Clinica De Moveis’s Professionals have specialized fire and water damage restoration training and experience to restore your furnishings to pre-fire condition. Kitchen cabinetry can be damaged by age, “wear and tear”, water, or fire. Restoration of the damage can provide substantial savings in cost, time, and anxiety over replacement. Clinica De Moveis’s restoration process targets the damage and, in most cases, leaves the kitchen operational during the process.

Custom Fabrication and replacement of Furniture parts

Broken pieces or missing parts to your furniture can potentially force you to through it away. We fabricate, manufacture and replace missing parts for furniture.

Cabinet Restoration and Refreshing

If you’ve had your wood cabinets for years and want to restore their original life and luster, then it’s time to call the cabinet refinishing experts at Clinica De Moveis. Our refinishing services will restore your cabinets to their previous glory, all for less time and less money than traditional refinishing services. Unless you want to change your cabinet layout completely, our cabinet refinishing process could be the perfect solution.

Furniture Appraisal

We appraise furniture with a wide variety of conditions such as fire damage, smoke damage and water damage. We also service appraisals for loss due to theft or if you would just like the know the value of your piece. We also provide a photograph to accompany our appraisals. Each piece has its own value and identity, just like artwork.

Our appraisals are based on many factors, such as the origin, the size, description, quality, condition, etc.